Marx and Engels: Collected Works (MECW)(共50册),这套丛书还有 《Collected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Vol.34, 1863-1864》《Collected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 1838-42, Vol. 2》《Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Vol. 05》《Karl Marx, 1835-43》《Collected...
卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx)与弗里德里希·恩格斯(Frederick Engels)是马克思主义的创始人,第一国际的组织者和领导者,被称为“全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的伟大导师”。马克思和恩格斯一起深刻揭示人类社会发展规律,不约而同地叩响了真理的大门。...
Karl Marx Frederick Engels 作者:Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels 出版社:International Publishers 副标题:Collected Works 1857-61 (Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works) 出版年:1987-01 定价:USD 24.95 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Marx and Engels: Collected Works (MECW)...
——Karl Marx, Frederick Engels. Marx & Engels COLLECTED Works,vol.4, London: Lawrence & Wishart,2010,p.329. 07 工人彼此间的这种竞争对于工人来说是现代各种关系中最坏的一面;这是资产阶级对付无产阶级的最有力的武器。因此,工人竭力利用工会来消灭这种竞争,而资产阶级则疯狂地向这些工会进攻,工会每受到...
K Marx,F Engels 摘要: Part of "The Collected Works" series, this book is the first volume of Karl Marx's famous text on the economies of capitalism, "Capital". The translation is based on the Moore and Aveling translation of 1887, but has been revised and supplemented with extensive ...
Marx & Engels Collected Works Volume 19 Ka Karl Marx 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: file:///G|/Temp/menewisbns/intros/meint_19.htm[31/08/2011 18:35:33]KARL MARXFREDERICK ENGELSVolume19 Marx and Engels 1861-642010Lawrence & WishartElectric Book ...
In January 1845, after Vorwärts expressed its hearty approval of the assassination attempt on Frederick William IV, King of Prussia, Marx, among many others, were ordered to leave Paris. He and Engels moved on to Brussels, Belgium.
482. 18 | Jeremy Bentham und Karl Marx durchweg negativ ausfiel, sondern Bentham von Marx hier teils sogar als progressi- ver Denker der Bourgeoisie angesehen wurde. Auch wird in diesem Kapitel erläu- tert, warum Marx und Engels das Glück als politischen Begriff zu umgehen such- ten, ...
Friedrich EngelsJournal of Critical RealismMarx, Karl and Frederick Engels. 1975. The German Ideology, Marx and Engels Collected Works Vol. 5. London: ... Karl Marx,F Engels - 《Journal of Critical Realism》 被引量: 11发表: 1976年 Karl Marx Friedrich EngelsJournal of Critical RealismMarx, ...
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels 作者:Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels 出版社:International Publishers 副标题:Marx and Engels Collected Works 1854-55 出版年:1980-12 页数:825 定价:USD 24.95 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Marx and Engels: Collected Works (MECW)