Karl Marx全部作品:资本论(纪念版)全三卷,资本论(超值白金版),共产党宣言:纪念版,1844年经济学哲学手稿,资本论(套装共3册),政治经济学批判,德意志意识形态(节选本),1844年经济学—哲学手稿,雇佣劳动与资本,资本论(纪念版)第一卷
[德] 卡尔·马克思 / 中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局 / 人民出版社 9.9 / 24人评价 马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷) (1972) [德] 卡尔·马克思 / [德] 弗里德里希·恩格斯 / 中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局 / 人民出版社 9.9 / 15人评价 > 更多版本(2) 马克思恩格斯文集(第十卷...
9.3 1961作者 资本论(第三卷)580 9.3 2004作者 资本论(第一卷)3957 9.2 2004作者 资本论(第二卷)685 9.2 2004作者 哲学的贫困470 9.2 1949作者 1844年经济学哲学手稿3243 9.1 2000作者 路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日125 9.0 2011作者 哥达纲领批判532 8.7 ...
Marx was inspired by classical political economists such as Adam Smith andDavid Ricardo. While his own branch of economics, Marxian economics, is not favored among modern mainstream thought,Marx's ideashave greatly impacted societies, most prominently in communist projects such as those in the USSR...
MARX BOOKS MARXISM DEATH, LEGACY, AND THEORY Karl Marx Worksheets Complete List Of Included Worksheets Frequently Asked Questions What is Karl Marx best known for? What did Karl Marx believe in? What did Marx call religion? Karl Heinrich Marx was a radical German philosopher, economist, historian...
Karl Marx as a Young Journalist By Rolf Hosfeld Excerpted by Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography by Rolf Hosfeld, Translated from the German by Bernard Heise Karl Marx was born May 5, 1818. As a young man he was a journalist and an editor for Rheinische Zeitung, a liberal-socialist news...
“ [Hitherto exposed mainly to university towns...] Marx's sudden espousal of the proletarian cause can be directly attributed (as can that of other early German communists such as Weitling[10]) to his first hand contacts with socialist intellectuals [and books] in France.[11] ” ...
There are innumerable books and articles devoted to comments or elaborations on Marx’s economic thought, or which criticize them. We list here those works we refer to in the above text, as well as those we consider the most important ones (based, needless to say, upon subjective judgement)...
th Century
Karl Marx | Biography, Theories & Books from Chapter 5 / Lesson 4 7.6K Learn about Karl Marx, the father of communism. Discover a brief biography of his life, his major contributions to philosophy, and a book list with descriptions. Related...