Ascorbic acid is preferably added at the final stage of the production of curry roux as far as possible and the addition of tocopherol is preferably carried out at the stage of the dissolution and addition of the edible oil and fat.片倉 保...
kareruu and its production manneredPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a curry roux fully harnessing the spicy flavor of spices and exhibiting the rich and sharp spicy flavor.本田 真弥井若 義徳吉松 大介
Ascorbic acid is preferably added at the final stage of the production of curry roux as far as possible and the addition of tocopherol is preferably carried out at the stage of the dissolution and addition of the edible oil and fat.片倉 保...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain a curry roux excellent in gustatoriness, easy to cook, and useful for hot cooking for low-caloric foods, essentially composing a thickening material such as starch, curry powder and a seasoning.國本 祐二羽根田 みはる森田 知子...