Let’s proceed on the Karakoram Highway southward, to the border with Pakistan. The rest of the road proceeds on the Tashkurgan Valley and gradually ascends. It leaves the edges of Pamir and touches the Karakoram Range. Finally, the road reaches its highest point- Khunjerab Pass, the highe...
Discover the location of the Karakoram Highway. Explore the history of the Karakoram Highway and see the regions it connects. Learn how the N-35...
The Karakoram Highway links north Pakistan with southwest China. It passes through unique geomorphological, geological and tectonic setting. This study focused 200-km-long section of the highway starting from Besham until Chilas. Landslides are frequent and are mostly triggered by torrential rain ...
Adventure Motorbike Tours in Pakistan - Ride the most majestic mountain scenery in the world along the mighty Karakoram Highway, travel with Karakoram Bikers.
GIS Along The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (Karakoram Highway), Pakistan", submitted by Sajid Ali and his co-workers for publication in the journal Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences, presents a GIS-based landslide susceptibility map of the Karakoram Highway, which connects China and ...
Karakoram Highway55. Muchuhar Glacier has also advanced~120 ± 47m during 2013–2019, which if surges again, could join the Shispare Glacier, and severely affect the downstream areas and potentially cause the disruptions of commerce along the Karakoram Highway. Therefore, a regular ...
Traveling on Pakistan’s Karakoram highway, you can watch as the old Silk Road route twists and climbs beside you. The scene is a harrowing and constant tribute to the incredible history of this place. Video, and a Map: To get your bearings before we begin, here’s a quick Google maps...
Detailed mapping and ground-based investigations have been carried out to detect its effects on the Karakoram Highway during 1974–1975 and the past few years by different research teams25,26,27. The glacier area has reduced from ~285 km2 in 197427 to ~243.5 km2 at present28. Debris covers...
The Karakoram is home to the highest concentration of peaks over 8,000 meters high to be found anywhere on earth, including K2, the second highest peak of the world (8,611 m/28,251 ft). K2 is just 237 m (778 ft) lower than the 8,848 m (29,029 ft) tall Mount Everest. The ra...
Road and transport accessibility OpenStreetMap road data https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features#HighwayReferences Ali, 2002 A. Ali A Siachen Peace Park: the solution to a half-century of international conflict? Mt. Res. Dev., 22 (4) (2002), pp. 316-319, 10.1659/0276-4741(...