Karaism 美[ˈkærəˌaɪzəm] 英[ˈkeərəizəm] n.【犹】圣经派教义 网络卡拉派;犹太教卡拉派 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 【犹】圣经派教义
Karaism英音: ['keərəizəm] 美音: ['keərəizəm] 名词[宗]卡拉派(8世纪兴起于中东的犹太教的一派,反对口传律法《塔木德》,主张一切教义和习俗都应以希伯来《圣经》为根据) 相关短语 Mogen David (犹太教的六芒星形标志) 大卫王之星 Taoism (中国主要宗教之一) 道教 similia similibus car...
Karaism and Christian Hebraism: A New DocumentRethinking Karaism: Between Judaism and IslamByzantine karaism in the eleventh to fifteenth centuriesThe importance of manuscripts for the study of Early Modern Eastern European KaraismBibliographia Karaitica: An Annotated Bibliography of Karaites and Kara...
karaism (ˈkɛərəˌɪzəm) n (Judaism) the beliefs and doctrines of the Karaite sect Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The meaning of KARAISM is a Jewish doctrine originating in Baghdad in the eighth century that rejects rabbinism and talmudism and bases its tenets on Scripture alone.
Karaism-Community网络卡拉派社区 网络释义 1. 卡拉派社区 五、犹太人卡拉派社区(Karaism Community)卡拉派是与拉比犹太教对立的犹太人宗派,在世界上的人数很少。blog.sina.com.cn|基于2个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
Karaite Insights - Karaism, Karaite Judaism, Tanach Only Torah, by Hakham Melech ben Ya'aqov for Karaites, the Nation of Israel and the Entire World
Become a member to see Kazim Karaismailoglu's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Edit pageAdd to list Track Camera and Electrical Department, Producer, Director Credits 43 titles Projects in Development(1 title)Budget Olga Dies Dreaming ...
纯爱战士横扫NTR_Karaism 22-01-18 08:35 素颜上班第一天很有好感的帅哥与我坐一起坐班车(以前从来没见过)我真的日妈了好好化妆的时候谁也没见过自从退化到只涂粉底甚至素颜的时候见帅哥的次数一次比一次高cnm û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 ...
#KARA[超话]# 241220 PHOTOISM X #朴奎利# ARTIST FRAME OPEN ! 负责美丽的女神朴奎利艺术家的相框即将公开 📆 12/23 – 1/6