Daily Jang - Find all the latest breaking news of Pakistan and around the World in Urdu. Read news update of Mustafa Kamal, Altaf Hussain controversy, cricket t20 updates taza tareen. Pakistan’s most favorite and readable Urdu newspaper is Daily Jang. It is the oldest newspaper of Pakistan....
But my dad insisted on us listening to the stories of the two friends from yonder years, when they were in college together several decades ago. They conversed in gentle Urdu, probably for our benefit, only occasionally breaking into their native Punjabi. A sumptuous meal followed, but it wa...
The national official language, Urdu, is taught in the province’s schools, along with Sindhi. The province’s population is overwhelmingly Muslim. The population has grown rapidly since 1947 and is concentrated in the cities and the irrigated central valley. The pace of urbanization has also ...
Real-time search reveals breaking news, while trending topics show what’s happening now around the world. View trends, browse your interests and see suggested users in several categories, including fashion, entertainment and travel, or search to find out what people are saying about topics you c...