overprised, not powerfull at all. I worked on a project for hours just to get notified that one file didn't upload correctly and had to delete all the snippets from that certain file. Also the previeuw bar doesn't work for shit. Whatever you do don't waste your money on this bs ...
To manage the blog Ghost deployment, you must access the machine where it is hosted on google cloud. You can read the full instructions here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oDY3-kvi_DGZ4t2sBy2I93oHFT7e8IKQfkQlq21Skh0/edit#...
To manage the blog Ghost deployment, you must access the machine where it is hosted on google cloud. You can read the full instructions here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oDY3-kvi_DGZ4t2sBy2I93oHFT7e8IKQfkQlq21Skh0/edit#...