in the Balcans and in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Overall students 120,000. Faculty 6000, administrative staff 5000. The Medical School is one of the very first Schools established along with Theology, Sciences, Languages and Law. The School of Health Sciences established in 1982 comprise o...
Department of Dentistry, Chi Mei Medical Center, Liouying, Tainan, Taiwan; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Dentistry, Athens, Greece Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germa- ny) was applied on the facial surfaces of the zirconia frameworks.The zirconia framework in the an- ...
• School of Sciences: Faculty of Physics: 210 7276803, Faculty of Chemistry: 210 7274342, Faculty of Mathematics: 210 7276332-7, Faculty of Biology: 210 7274247, Faculty of Geology: 210 7274061,4422 Faculty of Informatics and Telecommunications: 210 7275161,5644 ...