If you don’t meet the progression requirements for your first-choice degree, we’ll offer counselling on back-up study options through theUniversity Placement Service. Can I study a Pre-Master’s in the USA or Canada? There are graduate pathway programs, similar to the Pre-Master’s, at ...
Professional Designations Programs Master of Science Degrees Need a Little Guidance? Connect with our student support teams for further assistance. 1.800.237.9990 Offer Professional Designations to Your Employees Kaplan offers enterprise business solutions to keep your most valuable resources working smarter...
programs come in many forms. Some are courses and course modules offered by online training firms and universities. Others are professional programs offered by traditional universities. Some universities offer accredited behavioral finance degrees, including bachelor of science, masters of science, and Ph...
Sometimes, candidates looking to pursue the CFA Charter also may pursue a Masters of Science Degree in Financial Analysis (MSFA). Certain graduate programs are aligned to the learning outcomes of the CFA Institute’s CFA Program, which allows students to earn an MSFA while simultaneously preparing...
A Concurrent Option: Earn a Masters of Science in Financial Analysis (MSFA) while you Prep for the CFA Exam Certain Masters of Science in Financial Analysis degree programs like the MSFA offered by the College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company are aligned to the learning outcomes of ...
Northumbria University, United Kingdom University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Portsmouth University, United Kingdom Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom Every lecturer in KHEA has at least a Master's Degree and/or PhD qualification in their area of teaching expertise from a regiona...
弗林德斯大学商业硕士预科(Pre-Masters Business Program)-弗林德斯国际学习中心 kaplan集团 Kaplan International Pathways(KIP)(原名Kaplan国际学院)是Kaplan教育集团分支Kaplan International的重要组成部分。2005年,与英国诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)达成合作,在大学校园里成立诺丁汉特伦特国际学院(NTIC),开设衔...
University where she teaches Advanced Analytics in the Masters in Quantitative Management (MQM) Program. Previously, Dr. Dasmohapatra served as the Director of the Masters in Statistical Science in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. She joined the board of SAMSI (Statistical...
Born in New York in 1962, Dr. Kaplan developed his abiding love for the art of Rembrandt and the Old Masters during childhood visits to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and, later, to Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum and the Louvre in Paris. When his family moved to Florida, Dr. Kaplan developed ...
Kaplan is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to allow qualified individuals the opportunity to participate in programs and services. There may be times when the built-in technology in the learning management platform can resolve an accommodation request informally (i.e. enable closed caption...