Campus setting Urban Student population Large (More than 10,000) foreign students 30% Nationalities Data not available About Kaplan Higher Education Academy Kaplan Higher Education Academy in Singapore is part of Kaplan, Inc., a leading international provider of educational and career services fo...
📍 学校地址: Kaplan City Campus @ Wilkie Edge 8 Wilkie Road, Level 2, Wilkie Edge, Singapore 228095 Kaplan City Campus @ GR.ID 1 Selegie Road, Level 9, GR.ID, Singapore 188306🎓 学生数量:超过85000多名毕业生📚 课程体系:语言预科、大学预科、专业文凭、本科、硕士🔥 开设专业:商业管理、...
(本校资源与区域优势的结合) WHY CHOOSE KAPLAN'S SINGAPORE CAMPUS 通过本次访学,我们的团队更加直观地感受到Kaplan与两所顶尖大学合作的新加坡分校的实力与优势。 对于家长和学生而言,Kaplan的新加坡分校提供了更灵活且具适应性的解决方案,尤其适合那些希...
📍WE校区地址:8 Wilkie Rd, #02 -01 Kaplan City Campus @ Wilkie Edge, Singapore 228095📍PE校区地址:网上显示是错误的,建议出了Wilkie门,抬头看相连的建筑,沿着马路走,一直走到头,经过一系列周围的建筑,最后到达GR.iD,进门朝里面走,左手边找电梯。🎵学校开在商业区里,刚进大楼还以为走错了,饭店、...
State of the art university residences and campus facilities development helps institutions improve student experience and outcomes.
“正规二流大学”,是Kaplan配不上你),如果来了读Diploma不甘心继续留在本校读合作本科,可以尝试去申请澳洲那边一些相对更好的学校的On-campus top-up degree(和留在新加坡读Off-campus有什么区别在下文会讲到,但如果是本校就在新加坡也是On-campus),以后可以申请WHP准证来新加坡找工作……但有些人就是不喜欢澳洲/...
KaplanSingapore 2月22日 18:30 来自微博视频号 尽管新加坡离家不远,但在留学期间思念家乡的情绪难免会涌上心头。在新加坡,你又能如何寻找一份“家乡感”呢?来看看Kaplan新加坡的学长学姐们是如何化解乡愁的吧!#KaplanTheChoice# #Kaplan新加坡# #新加坡留学# #CampuslifeSG# #思乡# LKaplanSingapore的微博视频 ...
Create an Inclusive Campus Culture We’ve built our business on helping students pass any test, achieve any goal, and reach any milestone. We believe in the potential of every person, and we believe it’s our responsibility to use learning to open doors, regardless of heritage, wealth, or ...
Kaplan Higher Education Academy in Singapore Study a UK, Irish or Australian university degree from our centre in Singapore. Kaplan Higher Education Academy in Hong Kong SAR Study a UK, US, Irish or Australian university degree from our study centre in Hong Kong SAR. How...