卡普兰商学院(Kaplan Business School,以下简称KBS)一所专门为学生提供具有行业导向的会计和商科学位的学校,学校通过多元化的、以实现成功为中心的课程帮助学生最大程度发挥他们的潜能。 KBS的核心价值观包括:诚信(Integrity)、学识(Knowledge)、...
澳洲Kaplan商学院是Kaplan国际教育集团的下属学院,该集团是华盛顿邮报公司的一个附属公司,也是全球终身教育领域的领先者,在全世界拥4000个授课点,有众多下属学院和学生,为个人、学校和商界提供教育和职业服务。 Kaplan商学院位于澳大利亚维多利亚州,它承继了Kaplan七十年来领先教育、职业服务业课程的资源和丰富经验,现已有...
Australia - Adelaide AU School, Undergraduate View and Register Physical GP Star Privilege-Fast Lane offers with free counseling for study abroad 15th - 15th May 2025, 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Bangladesh - Chittagong,Dhaka,Sy... AUIECANZGB+1 ...
如果你的1硕是1.5年或者1年,又想拿到澳洲485工作签证,可以考虑读一个便宜学校的2硕!!Kaplan商学院offer,目前免4门课,最后更新完整成绩单,大概率免6门课,并且1年百分之30奖学金!!1万8到1万9澳币,1年全部搞定!!已经不能说性价比高了,简直不要太便宜!!!Kaplan Business School Australia:Master of Business...
Coaching Services. Whether providing guidance to employees selecting a school or program, or offering one-on-one support for valued employees ready to take the next step in their career, our coaches help fill the gaps of any learning journey with scalable solutions customized for your business ...
Drive business results and develop your teams with an education partner that maximizes the people power of your business. Our extensive partnerships make Kaplan a uniquely equipped learning provider for innovative organizations. Learn More Meet Kaplan Community. Network with like-minded peers, share insi...
搜尋靠近Kaplan Business School Perth學生公寓,Kaplan Business School Perth租屋優惠,提供Kaplan Business School Perth最適合你的留學宿舍。STUDENT.COM學旅家為你提供專業的留學住宿租屋資訊、預訂服務, 讓你無後顧之憂!
澳洲莫多克大学Murdoch University - Perth, Western Australia 莫多克大学是澳洲的公立大学,位于澳洲著名...
We’ve built our business on helping students pass any test, achieve any goal, and reach any milestone. We believe in the potential of every person, and we believe it’s our responsibility to use learning to open doors, regardless of heritage, wealth, or social status. We share your visio...
Kaplan’s global businesses provide services to individuals, educational institutions, and businesses, including: language training and university pathway programs for international students in the UK, Ireland, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; training for accountancy and finance qualifications and hi...