Kaoru IshikawaBiography Kaoru Ishikawa(July 13, 1915 – April 16, 1989)was a Japanese organizational theorist,Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at The University of Tokyo and chemical engineer. He was born in Tokyo, Japan. He belonged to a family dedicated to the industry. Ishikawa receive...
Kaoru Ishikawa (1915-1989) was a Japanese university professor and influential quality management innovator best known in North America for the Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram (also known as fishbone diagram) that is used in the analysis of industrial process. Born...
Kaoru Ishikawa Master Quality & Six Sigma – Limited-Time Offer! Born:July 13, 1915 Died:April 16, 1989 Ishikawa is best known for: Ishikawa Diagram-Also known asCause-and-effect DiagramorFishbone Diagram. Seven Basic Quality Tools-Seven Basic Quality Toolswere first emphasized by Ishikawa....
网络释义 1. 石川馨 ...buka, Masaru)(1908—1997)石川馨(Ishikawa, Kaoru)(1915—1989) 岩崎弥太郎(Iwasaki, Yataro)(1834—1885… www.tushucheng.com|基于14个网页