area of structure 建筑面积,构造面积 choice of structure 结构选择 closed structure 闭式组织结构 atmospheric structure 大气结构 相似单词 kaolinite 高岭石; 纯粹高岭土 Structure n. 结构,构成;建筑物 vt. 设计,组织 structure n. 1.[U,C]结构;构造;组织 2.[C]构造体;建筑物 v. [T] 1.构造...
kaolinite structure 高岭石结构 kaolinite clay 高岭土 相似单词 kaolinite 高岭石; 纯粹高岭土 最新单词 emetine什么意思及同义词 吐根碱; 依米丁 emeticclogy什么意思及同义词 催吐药物学 emetic的意思 n. 催吐剂 a. 引起呕吐的 emesis怎么翻译及发音 n. 呕吐 emery的中文意思 n. 金刚砂 Emerson什么...
网络高岭石结构 网络释义 1. 高岭石结构 kaolinite是什么意思_kaolinite的翻译_音标... ... chrome-kaolinite1. 铬高岭石kaolinite structure1.高岭石结构...|基于 1 个网页
S.," Theoretical Study of Kaolinite Structure; Energy Minimization and Crystal Properties." W. J. Nan. Sci. Eng. 2001, 1, 62-66.Karmous MS (2011) Theoretical study of kaolinite structure; energy minimization and crystal properties. The World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering 1: 62-...
Fig. 1.2. Kaolinite structure. The formula for kaolinite is Al2Si2O5(OH)4 because it has little isomorphous substitution in the octahedral or tetrahedral sheets. Moreover, kaolinite has a low surface area and exchange capacity because the 1:1 layer is neutral and has a low amount of substit...
Fig. 2.Molecular simulation model of kaolinite structure (1×2×2 unit cells) showing siloxane and aluminol surfaces. The edges of these layers contain O atoms and OH groups. In an acidic medium (pH<3.6), the hydroxyls take up a proton from the solution to form protonated OH groups, or...
THE generally accepted structure of kaolinite was elucidated by Grunerfronf X-ray powder photographs, and Hendricksafterwards gave confirmatory data obtained by electron diffraction. They find a monoclinic structure with cell dimensions a = 5.14 A., b = 8.90 A., c = 14.51 A., 尾 = 101掳 30...
The research on the structure of metakaolinite by using wide_angle X -ray diffraction_scattering technology(WAXS) and its radial distribution function(RDF) shows that metakaolinite is a hemicrystal which is disordered in c -axle and composed of non_crystalline phase and a little crystalline phase...
Kaolin is used extensively in theceramicindustry, where its high fusion temperature and white burning characteristics makes it particularly suitable for the manufacture ofwhiteware(china), porcelain, and refractories. The absence of any iron, alkalies, oralkalineearths in the molecular structure of kao...
kaolinite clay 高岭土 kaolinite structure 高岭石结构 on clay 拌土 stove clay (fire clay) 耐火土 ceramic clay 陶瓷用粘土 China clay 高岭土 clay atmometer 陶瓷蒸发计 clay blanket 粘土层 clay figure 泥塑像 clay fraction 粘粒部分 相似...