38% Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor - 300ml Without the spiciness of spirits, it remains the refreshing and aromatic taste of Kaoliang liquor. As it features not going to head after drinking,…more 38 VOL. % 0.75l 38% Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor - 750ml ...
Jiangxiaobai Honey Maca Liqueur is made with imported gin and vodka as the base liquor, adding real maca and real honey, real ingredients and quality assurance. Extremely high quality-price ratio, pleasant aroma, coordinated taste, good and hardcore, making it an excellent choice for friends’ ...
Indeed, CTKS is also known for its mellow taste and full aroma. The unique flavor of CTKS is closely related to attribute to the excellent climate and environment of the Tongshan town. It was shown that the liquor quality depends on the temperature, water and on the origin of the raw ...