网友:毛骨悚然 自从“侃爷”坎耶·维斯特(KanyeWest)跟现任比安卡·森索里(BiancaCensori)结婚后,比安卡的穿着就频频登上热搜。 比如她穿过的裸色透视连体衣, (比安卡身穿透视装) “黑枕头”紧身裙, (比安卡穿着怪异) 非常省布料的比基尼, (比安卡身穿比基尼) 半裸紧身衣+枕头遮挡, (比安卡抱着枕头出门) 还有上...
侃爷Kanye West 又离婚了,10 月 8 日,他的前妻 Bianca Censori 在 ins 里真情流露:“During this tough time I am finally finding myself I am finding out who I really am behind all of this.” 大概意思就是 “Barbie is free” 。 早在23 年,Kanye 身边的一位知情者就曾向《每日邮报》透露,...
一段时间以来,比安卡·森索利 (Bianca Sensoli) 的极端时尚一直备受争议,但有人说她可能是在丈夫坎耶·韦斯特 (KanyeWest) 的要求下才这么做的。 美国说唱歌手坎耶·韦斯特(现称叶)因公布一张他妻子“几乎裸体”的照片而受到批判。Kanye 在 Instagram 上分享了他的澳大利亚妻子 Bianca Censoli 的多张照片。森索里几...
在加上之前的看秀穿搭、逛街穿搭,次数多了不免让人怀疑它们这样做的出发点是所谓的“穿衣自由”,还是源自于Kanye把Bianca当成了吸引眼球的道具。 老墨搜索了一些关于Bianca的个人资料,不搜不知道,这才发现原来她竟然是墨大建筑系的学姐。 Bianca的linkedin显示,她在2013-2017年就读于墨尔本大学建筑系本科,2019-2020...
Kanye Westis sharing new photos of his wife and museBianca Censori. The images were shared on Instagram on Wednesday, and showed Censori with a pink corset and lacy white leggins. RELATED: North West’s album has parents afraid she’ll influence kids to drop out of elementary school ...
Kanye West, who now goes by Ye, took to social media on Saturday (Jan. 6) to gush over Bianca Censori on her 29th birthday.
前几天,Kanye West再次在他的Instagram上分享了29岁妻子Bianca Censori的一系列新照片。这次的照片又引发了轩然大波。此前,Kanye因多次发布妻子的暴露照片或牵着“几乎全裸”的妻子出街引发争议,现在看起来,他并未真正意识到这种行为有何不妥。然而,网友的观点几乎是一致的:“这些照片不合适!” ...
Kanye West has made his return to Instagram, with the rapper sharing a rare picture of himself just weeks after an alleged 'explosive fight' with his wife Bianca Censori Kanye West shared a picture of himself without his wife( Image: Getty Images North America) ...
The West-Sancery escapade didn't just unfold on the rainy streets; it reverberated across social media platforms. Fans and fashion enthusiasts alike took to Twitter, Instagram, and beyond, dissecting every detail of Kanye and Bianca's rainy day rendezvous. Memes comparing Bianca to Kim Kardashia...
在娱乐圈中,关于侃爷Kanye West的新闻总是引人注目和热议。最近,外媒报道称,侃爷发布了Instagram新动态,确认将涉足色情行业,并成立了自己的电影制作品牌“Yeezy Porn”,这一消息让众人震惊不已。 此前,侃爷与妻子一直以奇葩服装造型而备受瞩目。曾有传言指出,在街头遭遇对妻子Bianca Censori进行性骚扰的男子,侃爷毫不...