Musk literally is friends with Nazis. Kanye was posting on Twitter every 3-4 minutes for the past hour. One of the posts was a Star of David with a swastika inside of it. Not to long after was a screen cap of a text from Musk saying Kayne had gone to far then his last tweet ...
Kanye West attends the Anonymous Club fashion show during Berlin Fashion Week SS25 at Tempodrom on July 1, 2024 in Berlin, Germany. Matthias Nareyek/Getty Images Español Ye went on a hate-filled tweet spree on Friday morning (Feb. 7) in which he once again praised Nazis and Adolf...
The group said the T-shirt listing was another damning example of West's dangerous prejudice. "The swastika is the symbol adopted by Hitler as the primary emblem of the Nazis," it posted. "It galvanized his followers in the 20th century and continues to threaten and instil fear ...
Ryder Ripps, a conceptual artist who worked with the rapper on and off from 2014 to 2018, said he recalled multiple times when West spoke positively about Hitler and the Nazis or mentioned anti-Jewish conspiracies during meetings in 2018. ...
Kanye West's subreddit page has become overrun with Taylor Swift posts in light of the rapper's recently praising Hitler. Learn more here.
RXK Nephew gives his rating on Kanye West, Charli XCX, Thanksgiving, chemtrails and more on this edition of Over/Under
Ye lanzó una serie de tuits llenos de odio el viernes (7 de febrero) por la mañana en los que una vez más elogió a los nazis y a Adolfo Hitler, mientras insultaba a la comunidad LGBTQ y a las personas con discapacidades con frases como “f-k ret-rds”. Relacionadas West, cu...
The Anti-Defamation League on Monday sharply criticized West. “The swastika is the symbol adopted by Hitler as the primary emblem of the Nazis. It galvanized his followers in the 20th century and continues to threaten and instill fear in those targeted by antisemitism and white supremacy,” th...
中英文外刊:美国歌手Ye (原名Kanye West)美国歌手Ye (原名Kanye West) 的反犹太言论在国外引起轩然大波, 合作品牌纷纷与他切割; 虽然与他曾有深度利益纠葛的阿迪达斯最终也在压力下宣布停止合作, 但还是被批评“反应迟缓”, 比如《时代周刊》刊载了一篇客座文章, 标题为“Adidas' Initial Silence on Kanye West Is...
But as far as [West], I knew that that was in him because when he came to TMZ, he said that stuff and they took it out of the interview. … He said something like, ‘I love Hitler, I love Nazis.’ Something to that effect when he was there. And they took it out of the int...