The Grosby Group / BACKGRID "They really did this for the children, to kind of seal the deal and show them this was a forever thing. After the ceremony [Sandra's kids] Louis and Laila started calling Bryan dad," a source shared. The Academy Award-winning actress and began...
however, which is the saga of its creator’s pathological need for greatness. More than a panegyric to excess or a celebration of his narcissism,MBDTFis a spiritual anatomy of Kanye West. Listen hard and you find that the fundamental conflict is between a...
Nachdem West vor eineinhalb Jahrenaus dem Krankenhausentlassen worden war, kaufte er sich laut eigener Aussage regelmäßig neue Musikalben und sampelte sie wie damals, als er noch ein Kind war. Das Ganze soll für ihn sehr therapeutisch gewesen sein. Als dann die Wyoming-Sessions anst...