而除了上述品牌,最近一直以leggings形式带货YZY Pods的Kanye,也是Skinny Jeans的忠粉,从Acne Studios到DIOR HOMME,Kanye不仅自己疯狂上身,也将其融入当下YEEZY SEASON 的设计基因里。 对于YEEZY SEASON来说,从SEASON 1到如今的SEASON 9,Skinny Pants都从未缺席,这一点不仅体现在Kanye的历任伴侣身上,Kanye本人也为街头玩...
两百刀就这做工? 近日有一位 Ye 的粉丝入手了一双 YZY PODS收到后却发现脚踝有一个洞立马发到网上表示「不值两百刀」Ye 的粉丝乐意为他充值可以理解但是收到这样的做工,你会怎么评价? #KanyeWest #Ye #YEEZY #袜子鞋 #侃爷 1722 72 70 313 举报发布时间:2024-01-31 14:51 全部评论 大家都在搜: Jal...
随身携带 yeezy pods #侃爷 #kanye #yeezy #yeezypods #lifestylevision - 3PAC于20240203发布在抖音,已经收获了1629个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
从Bianca的最初上身带货到官方宣传,搭配黑色小短裤的固定模板穿搭也成了标准穿搭答案。 目前大部分Bianca复制人都选择了Wet的这套官配,再来一双Yeezy Pods袜子鞋,400元人民币搞定当下最IN的全身OOTD。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 还有觉得不够暴露的姐妹们自行改造,硬是把圆领透视背心改成V领,Bianca的造型师Kanye还...
bunched up into odd new shapes and pinned in place while the designers take notes for the sample makers. a massage therapist arrives wearing a pair of yeezy wave runners and a rolex daytona; west gets the treatment sitting up so he can continue to conduct the fitting. clearly in his elemen...
Kanye West returned to Instagram with his first post in months the day after Christmas andissued an apology to the Jewish community, which may or may not have beenwritten using A.I. software. He has since been in YZY promotion mode, sharing ads for his new YZY Pods and new YZY slides...
目前大部分Bianca复制人都选择了Wet的这套官配,再来一双Yeezy Pods袜子鞋,400元人民币搞定当下最IN的全身OOTD。 还有觉得不够暴露的姐妹们自行改造,硬是把圆领透视背心改成V领,Bianca的造型师Kanye还得多学。 以及Bianca这个冬季多次上身的毛绒帽也成为了不少复制人们的必备单品。
bunched up into odd new shapes and pinned in place while the designers take notes for the sample makers. a massage therapist arrives wearing a pair of yeezy wave runners and a rolex daytona; west gets the treatment sitting up so he can continue to conduct the fitting. clearly in his elemen...
Yeezy Pods 没法穿啊#好鞋推荐 #新鞋到了 #鞋狗的日常 #鞋控日常 #适合开学穿的球鞋推荐 - 倓张TanZ于20240225发布在抖音,已经收获了99.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
一分钟开箱YEEZY Pods到底值不值得入手?#开箱 #kanye #yeezy #鞋控日常 #购物分享 - PuRp1e_i11uSioN于20240616发布在抖音,已经收获了10.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!