Acid-Bace Balance in Cerebrospinal Fluid (III) : THE Proceedings OF 41TH KANTO-KO-SHIN-ETSU-HOKURIKU REGIONAL Meeting OF JAPNESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY Acid-Bace Balance in Cerebrospinal Fluid (III) : THE Proceedings OF 41TH KANTO-KO-SHIN-ETSU-HOKURIKU REGIONAL Meeting OF JAPNESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY...
This paper applies ENM to a large-scale data of Upper Palaeolithic (UP) occupations in the Kanto-Koshinetsu region of eastern Japan in order to quantitatively assess and visualise ecological niche of UP populations to understand their behavioural strategies. Spatial niche probability was calculated ...
15) Five Months Serial Echocardiography and Phonocardiography in a Case of Ruptured Ventricular Septum and Acute Myocardial Infarction : KANTO-KO-SHINETSU REGIONAL MEETING 73 桑木 綱一 , 植田 桂子 , 本間 請子 , 村山 正昭 , 芹沢 剛 , 高橋 健一 , 大鈴 弘文 , 井上 清 Japanese circulatio...
Clinical Experience with Proscillaridin on the Congestive Heart Failure : PROCEEDINGS OF THE 49TH KANTO-KOSHINETSU REGIONAL MEETING OF JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY 渡辺 悦弘 , 稲森 一宏 , 高木 恒雄 , 林田 守正 , 清水 公明 , 若月 透 , 萩野 健一 , 東 光平 Japanese circulation journal 33...
Variant Form of Angina Pectoris, successfully treated by Vimeberg's Operation : PROCEEDINGS OF THE 47TH KANTO-KOSHINETSU-HOKURIKU REGIONAL MEETING 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 作者:佐藤,文雄,伊藤,健二,古瀬,彰,松本,博志,三枝,正裕,岡田,久,渡部,五百友 ...
作者: 及能,茂道 摘要: CiNii Articles - The Experimental Study on Central Nervous Mechanism of Blood Pressure Control : MAO Activity in Brain of Rabbits under Chronic Stimulations of Midbrain : PROCEEDINGS OF THE 54TH KANTO-KOSHINETSU REGIONAL MEETING OF JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY 年份: 1970 ...
摘要: A Case of Amyloidosis : THE PROCEEDINGS OF 38TH KANTO-KO-SHIN-ETSU REGIONAL MEETING OF JAPNESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY 林 明徳 , 磯 清隆 , 栗山 源〓 , 窪田 博人 , 鈴木 信雄 , 柴田 威 , 佐藤 信博 Japanese circulation journal 31(2), 361, 1967-02-20...
21) Fluctuating H-V Time in a Patient with Transient Complete Heart Block : KANTO-KO-SHINETSU REGIONAL MEETING 72 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 14 作者:中田,八州郎,高橋,文行,桜井,秀彦,北村,和夫,稲垣,忠子 摘要: Physiological agonists increase cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration to regulate a ...
Studies on the Purkinje-Ventricular Junction of the Mammalian Heart : THE Proceedings OF THE 57TH KANTO-KOSHINETSU REGIONAL MEETING OF JAPANESE Circulation... Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the role of reactive oxygen species in the impairment of cerebral recovery that follows ...
Reconstruction with Use of a Vena Cavae Homograft in Superior Vena Cava Syndrome due to Behcet Disease : PROCEEDINGS OF THE 48TH KANTO-KOSHINETSU-HOKURIKU ... 高橋,雅俊,島崎,和郎,田原,明,... - 《Japanese Circulation Journal》 被引量: 0发表: 1968年 Aortic valve homografts in the surgical...