Kanto YU2 是一款备受好评的小型桌面音箱,开箱后可以看到左右两个音箱(图3),内部附带了各种连接线(图4),音箱使用棉包装袋进行包装,整体质感和连接线的做工都非常出色。在输入方面,这款音箱支持 aux 和 usb 输入,但不支持蓝牙功能。如果需要蓝牙支持,可以考虑购买 kanto ORA,不过价格会高出 100 多欧。音箱的功率...
Make a good deal when shopping your Kanto YU2. Klarna's easy Studio Monitors price comparison tools will help you find the lowest price!
之前一直借用朋友的海曼卡顿水晶3音响,听歌效果确实不错。不过,2.1的低音单元放在桌面上占地方,放在地上又影响桌子的升降,而且剪辑视频时声音有些干扰。最近看到国外很多博主都在用Kanto音响,于是我在淘宝和京东上找了一圈,结果都没有找到。于是转战亚马逊,发现Kanto yu2的尺寸正好合适,还有胡桃木外观的,果断下单。音...
YU2 A design element in its own right, YU2 brings character and substance to your desktop. Its built-in soundcard lets you stream high-quality audio directly from your computer’s USB port, delivering sound that challenges the notion that bigger is better. Choose a color that reflects your ...
YU2Powered Desktop Speakers Proudly designed in Canada, the YU2 desktop mini-monitor will make you believe that big sound can come in a small package. With its built-in soundcard, it can stream high-quality audio directly from your computer’s USB port, or connect directly to any 3.5mm AU...
Woot闪购 Kanto YU2 Powered Desktop Speakers - $149.99 + $5 standard shipping历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Kanto YU2 Powered Desktop Speakers - $149.99 + $5 standard shipping
Kanto Living YU2 Powered Desktop Speakers (Matte White, Pair) 桌面音箱 去购买 提交于:2021-10-22 Kanto Living YU2 Powered Desktop Speakers (Matte White, Pair) 桌面音箱 $169.99 原价$239.99 查看来自B&H的折扣爆料人:NothingToSay 写评论
Discover 521 Community discussions, tips, and reviews on Kanto YU3 & YU5 Speakers from the Audiophile enthusiast community on Drop.
But I'm happy to tell you that it works right out of the box without any transformer. The power...Read More Feb 16, 2021 Was this helpful? • User Photos1 Add a Photo chris_december Kanto YU6 in gloss red w SUB8 in gray. 2 0 View All Photos...
sskyu. 2016年10月3日 14:58 这首歌真的很好听,rap控表示被洗脑,希望能火,听的人很少,可惜了 1回复 幸运儿 2016年10月3日 14:17 KANTO偶吧帅到没有边了,,,挺你 1回复 —lxr 2016年10月2日 14:21 有点像欧美那种随性风厉害 3回复 汤姆森盖茨比尔贾利落斯汀 2016年9月30日 23:47 kanto作...