FanDuel was among the first crop of online sportsbooks to hit the market in Kansas. FOX Bet Sportsbook KS It would be fair to say that FOX Bet hasn’t been the most active sportsbook in the US market. They came out of the gate back in 2018 with strong brand recognition and plenty of...
Kansas Harvesters Say Wheat Crop Lagging
The recent five-year average Kansas wheat crop was 348.9 million bus. About 80 attendees ended their three-day tour of wheat fields in the early afternoon of May 2. They made a total of 570 stops during the tour. During a wrap-up meeting at the Kansas City Board of Trade, many ...
Shrimp are not associated with land-locked Kansas, yet they are here. A playa lake lies in the middle of a vast field of wheat. It doesn’t look like much, no more than a slight depression in the soil, an apparently lifeless puddle where water has pooled. A closer look reveals the ...
Northeast Kansas Farmers Boast High Quality Wheat Crop.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Fagan, Mark
Reports on the decline in production of wheat and corn crops in Kansas in 2000. Historical significance of wheat for Kansas; Basis for the decrease in wheat production; Changes in the landscape of agriculture in the United States.Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition...
Drought Cutting Harvest in Kansas Winter Wheat Crop Is Worst in 40 YearsRavaged by drought, winter kill, disease and bugs, this year'swheat crop in Kansas could be the...
Kansas winter wheat planting nears end, warm temperatures spur rapid growth of emerging cropKansas winter wheat planting nears endFox Business
Field studies showed that the yield responses of grain sorghum to an increment of water use was generally 75% greater than that of winter wheat, as expected for crops with C4 and C3 physiology, respectively. The relationship of winter wheat yield to crop water use, simulated by the KSWB ...
doi:urn:uuid:dcca3234cca58410VgnVCM200000d6c1a8c0RCRDKansas growers have begun seeding their fields for next year's winter wheat crop.Fox Business