You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Kansas or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered. Use the links below to jump straight to the correct search page for Kansas or ...
The right Name for your Kansas Company can increase sales and make your Kansas Business more credible. Reserving a name for your Kansas Company could reduce the processing time for your application to form a Kansas Corporation or LLC with the Kansas Secretary of State. Kansas Company Name ...
Step 3: Choose a business name. The next step will be to decide on a name for your business. Be sure to choose a name that is memorable and unique, easy to understand and pronounce, and accurately represents the products or services you plan to offer. In the State of Kansas, no two...
Department of Revenue Department of Transportation Department of Wildlife and Parks Department of Commerce, Travel & Tourism Kansas Agencies State Resources Kansas Government Kansas Business Kansas Community Kansas Education Kansas Tourism Kansas Services State Phone Directory Starting a Business home...
To start a corporation in Kansas, you’ll need to do three things: appoint a registered agent, choose a name for your business, and file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. The articles cost $90 to file ($89 online). Once filed with the state, this document formally ...
To start a corporation in Kansas, you’ll need to do three things: appoint a registered agent, choose a name for your business, and file Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. The articles cost $90 to file ($89 online). Once filed with the state, this document formally ...
Taylor Overton,Director, Office of Small Business Development and Entrepreneurship, Department of Commerce, State of Kansas Amber Shultz,Secretary of Labor, State of Kansas Maria Thompson,State and Local Government Cyber Security Leader, Amazon Web Services ...
Select a unique name for your LLC.Start the LLC formation process by naming your business. It’s not just about branding: Without a distinct name, your business doesn’t exist in the eyes of the Kansas Secretary of State. Accordingly, you’ll need to decide what to call your business bef...
Many LLC formation services do this as a part of their LLC formation packages. Visit the US Small Business Administration (SBA) guide for federal license and permit information. Kansas Secretary of State website’s Common Business Licenses and Permits PDF helps you learn the state’s license ...
Δ Step 3: You’re done! We will mail you your Corporation package for you to sign and mail in to the Kansas Secretary of State. After you’ve completed these steps our team will confirm receipt via email within 24-48 hours. Your Kansas base corporation will be formed within 7 days. ...