Mailing Address:Secretary of State Business Services Division,302 West Washington Street,Room E018,Indianapolis, IN 46204. DIY Cost of Forming an LLC in Indiana ($95-100) The main LLC formation cost through the DIY route is the state filing fee of your Article of Organization. Currently, the...
Filing the report requires a Business Entity ID number, which is not the same as an EIN. This number is assigned when the corporation is registered with the Secretary of State’s office, and can be found by searchingthe databaseon the Secretary of State’s site. ...
Here at Kansas Registered Agent Service, we know that’s true. That’s why we’ve designed a cutting-edge online filing system that get your business filings done faster than anyone else. It’s why our business management system makes sure you’re notified about any official paperwork that e...
Just as a reminder, while KCS is in voting trust, our existing management team and Board will continue to run and lead the business and former KCS CEO, Dave Starling, will act as the independent trustee. While in trust, we will retain both full independence and the ability to manage capit...
(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes ☐ No ☒ 来源:SEC 整理:洞见研报 djyanbao....
October 31, 2023, by engaging in acts ‘which materially affects his ability or effectiveness to discharge his duties as Superintendent including but not limited to …(c) intemperance,… (f) neglect of duty, (g) general neglect of the business of the district, (h) unprofessional conduct.’...