Public Records Notice powered by Intelius does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency. We provide sensitive information (criminal record, address, phone number, property, civil judgment, and more) that can be used to satisfy your curiosity, protect your ...
Morris was booked in Douglas County and his bond was set at $75,000, public records showed. His arrest came after an incident report came to light this month that detailed an alleged rape that occurred at McCarthy Hall, which houses the men's basketball team ...
(e.g., social security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, sexual orientation and sex life, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background, or trade union membership) on or through the Services or otherwise to ...
A shortage of public defense attorneys in Kansas could result in courts throwing out criminal cases Health A year since Kansas City’s Super Bowl parade shooting, survivors haven’t been able to move on Kansas pharmacists ask lawmakers for help as pharmacies across the state continue to close ...
at law and will suffer irreparable harm without an injunction. The potential harm to Plaintiff outweighs any harm to the University. The public interest is not harmed by granting injunctive relief to allow for additional procedural safeguards while he is presumed innocent of the criminal charges."...
One of the most important pieces of evidence you will need in a personal injury case is medical records. If you haven’t visited a doctor for your injury, the insurance company is likely to point to the lack of medical care as indicative of a lack of seriousness. However, some people re...
The previous offense requirement also is unique. Although a previous conviction does not preclude defendants from getting criminal diversions in Douglas County, it makes them less likely to be granted under the DA’s main diversion programs.
and the original birth certificate to be released only upon order of the court for good cause shown. The proposed change addresses privacy concerns about having birth certificates and other private information open to the public within court records. The bill was assigned to the House Judiciary Com...
This bill was introduced on January 23, 2023, through the committee. It would create definitions for the terms “intimate partner” and “intimate partner violence” in the Kansas criminal code and would require certain considerations be made in determining bond when a crime is committed against ...
Additionally, individuals must be at least 18 years of age and pass a criminal background check. Education A variety of postsecondary institutions and organizations around the country offer EMS courses. The courses are offered at different levels, including emergency medical responder, emergency ...