Indicates the student has passed assessments or coursework to meet the state's requirements for biliteracy.GraduationSeal.stateSeal Date Earned Indicates the date the student earned the State Seal. GraduationSeal.earnedDate Language Lists in which language the student earned state recognition ...
Home Glossary Release Information
Federal Preschool $181.12Non-Fed Preschool $186.30 Dad and I Make a Gingerbread House! Child Care Tuition Assistance: Are you a Federal employee? Did you know that your agency may may help with tuition costs for your child? Visit to see if your employe...
EARLY PRESCHOOL An individualized curriculum is designed by Brighton Academy teachers and used for this age group on a daily basis. They follow a structured learning schedule that incorporates educational based themes. Parents will be informed of the weekly educational content prior to the lessons. Ou...