December 2002, 191,116 individual access sessions recorded to oil and gas data on the Internet. Data Enhancement Data Access Data Analysis Data Display Data Maintenance Data Integration Kansas Goals 5、 KEYS GIS SoftwareArcIMS & ArcSDE Enterprise Database (Oracle) Web Development software (...
The preliminary results showed that elk habitat preference is affected by the distribution of cottonwood stands, sandsage prairie, water sources such as seep pits and windmills, and distance from oil and gas wells.West, EricBian, Ling
Since discovery of oil in the Mississippian in 1916 in the Virgil field (Greenwood County), production from Mississippian rocks has accounted for slightly more than 13% of the state's total oil and gas production. Although historically most of the Mississippian oil has been produced from the Sal...
The namesake of the sorority, Jane Phillips, was the wife of oil tycoon Frank Phillips, who founded Phillips Petroleum Company in 1917. That company has quite a history with KU. Frank Phillips’ hand-picked successor at Phillips Petroleum Company ...
(MAS) S-HISforHigh SpectralReso- lutionInfrared Sounding MASforHigh SpatialReso- lutionIR&Vis Images Objective:DetectionofnaturalgasinthevicinityofHutchinson,Kansas Background:AseriesofexplosionswithinthecitylimitsofHutchinson,Kansas,occurredinJanuary2001 shortlyafternaturalgas(methane)leakedfromanunderground...
Oil Tank Mods Electric Supply: • ECC SCADA Software Upgrade *** Funding Sources – Cash 5 2024 Budget Resources Revenue by Category Electric Revenues Water Revenues PILOT Add'l Funding Sources SUMMARY OF FUNDING BY RESOURCE CATEGORY Approved Adopted Budget Budget 2024 2023 $ 285,908,648 $ 281...
a result of oil and gas generation and expulsion from petroleum source rocks in the deep basin, as indicated by paleopressure and overpressure being enclosed within the Woodford Shale layer oil- and gas-generation boundaries. Overpressure and oil generation from the Woodford Shale was contemporaneous...
Based on a series of overlay and query, findings emerged. The present CRP did not necessarily include the lands most susceptible to erosion. Aquifer thickness (AT), with co-occurrence of gas or oil fields, played a significant role in determining which land could be used for CRP. All other...