Kansas Medicaid Financial Assistance Programs Medicaid Programs & Waivers for the Elderly Medicaid is a health care program for low-income residents and is a joint partnership between the federal government and the state. While the federal government sets the parameters for the program, the state adm...
23 million people in 10.7 million low-income American households pay more than half their income for rent, often forgoing necessities, like food or medicine, to keep a roof over their heads. Most don’t receive rental assistance due to funding limitations. Housing Shortage Housing is the key ...
From a technology perspective, it meant reconfiguring the legacy IT systems many states rely on to manage SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and childcare assistance. "There are always challenges with a big HHS IT ...
Or for immediate assistance, call toll-free:(866) 577-1651 Seeking Help ForSelfSonDaughterSpouseFriendFamilyOther Drug Rehab Kansas Choosing a drug rehab program in Kansas for a drug addiction can often be complicated process, with so many available options. The National Institute on Drug Abuse ...
Retaining and growing the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is vital. Local Decision Making We support local decision making for incentive programs, local taxes, and local economic development issues. We support extending the renewal timeframe for the earnings tax. Support for K-12 Public ...
you can apply for medical, cash and food assistance if you are unemployed, have children, are disabled or are an elderly citizen in need. As with all state welfare programs, you must meet certain household income requirements to be eligible for the Kansas Temporary Assistance for Families (TAF...
Housing assistance programsLow‐income housingMobilityThis research addresses the extent to which tenant鈥恇ased rental assistance, before and after welfare reform, helps households move to areas with greater opportunities for employment. It was thought that the threat of losing their welfare benefits ...
In Kansas, you can qualify for Lifeline service if you are enrolled in any one of the following programs: SNAP (aka Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Medicaid Supplemental Security Income Head Start (tribal, for those qualified on income) Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance Tribally...
Independence, Inc. requested $75,000 to support its existing accessible housing program, which provides assistance to enable seniors and people with disabilities who are low- to moderate-income to make needed accessibility modifications to their homes. ...
In Kansas, it is still possible to qualify for medical assistance through KanCare and the Frail Elderly Waiver when one’s financial holdings exceed the monetary limits. There are two ways in which to do this. Medically Needy Individuals with very high, recurring medical expenses that consume th...