Kansas to Make Many Hunting, Fishing Licenses Valid for 365 Days from Date of Purchase, Add Auto-Enroll FeatureThe Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism on Wednesday announced a new auto-renew...Rouse, Josh
Pileated woodpeckers White-tailed deer Turkey Bobcats Coyotes Indigo Buntings Orioles Chuck-will's-widow Barred Ols Whip-poor-wills Kansas Hunting Info Kansas hunting regulations, licenses, seasons and more. Read More Fish to Catch Channel catfish White bass Crappie Flathead catfish The world-...
Licenses & Urban Fishing Program Any non-resident over 16 years of age must have a valid non-resident license to fish legally in Kansas unless fishing a private pond not open for public fishing. Residents aged 16 through 74 must have a resident fishing or hunting license to be able to cast...