City commissioners heard “frank” comments from both their police and fire chiefs Tuesday regarding the need for more facilities and greater mental health care services in the community. Police Chief Tarik Khatib at a Tuesday afternoon study session said the current condition of the police departmen...
to lower the “floor” of all relevant time periods amended by the bill from two years to one year. The full House adopted the bill as amended by the House Committee of the Whole that same day on Emergency Final ActionYea: 123 Nay: 0. The Senate nonconcurred in the House amendments an...
• A public service internship class through the College and Career Center that will assign seniors semesterlong internships with the Lawrence Police Department, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Douglas County District Attorney’s Office and Lawrence-Douglas County Fir...
To help ensure everyone's safety, the Kansas City Royals have a no re-entry policy at the ballpark. Guests will be allowed to exit and re-enter the stadium in the event an emergency is encountered while attending any event at the stadium or with a valid excuse approved by Stadium Manageme...
If within 30 days of the receipt of such insurance moneys the city has not instituted legal proceedings by issuance of the order provided for atsection 56-535or by taking emergency measures as provided for atsection 56-540, then the city treasurer shall release such proceeds and any ...
on February 25, 2020, but passed over retaining its place on the Calendar. The bill was debated by the House Committee of the Whole on February 26, 2020. On that same day, the House approved the bill on Emergency Final ActionYea: 118 Nay: 7, sending it to the Senate for consideration...
Max Egusquiza, of Palm Beach, described the emergency response outside Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course. “From what I saw 5 black unmarked SUVs blocked in a grey Mercedes in front of the golf course. There were about 20 or more cop cars flying from nearby streets,”...