`The Kanpur Massacres in India in the Revolt of 1857: Reply [to Barbara English].' Past and Present, No. 142 (Feb. 1994): 178-189.B. English, `Debate: the Kanpur massacres in India in the revolt of 1857', and R. Mukherjee, `Reply', both Past and Present, 142 (1994); R. ...
(Placename)anindustrialcityin NEIndia,in SUttarPradeshontheRiverGanges:sceneofthemassacrebyNanaSahibofBritishsoldiersandEuropeanfamiliesandhislaterdefeatbyBritishforcesin1857.Pop:2532138(2001).Formername:Cawnpore CollinsEnglishDictionary–CompleteandUnabridged,12thEdition2014©HarperCollinsPublishers1991,1994,1998...
led byNana Sahib. Their bodies were thrown into a well, although it was said that some of the victims were still alive; a memorial was later built at the site of the well. British troops soon retook Kanpur and exacted brutalretributionon any rebels suspected of complicity in the massacre...