Kanojo, Okarishimasu: Created by Reiji Miyajima. With Sora Amamiya, Shun Horie, Lizzie Freeman, Nao Tôyama. After being dumped by his girlfriend, a college student enlists a dating service to "rent" a girlfriend who, unbeknownst to him, happens to be
"The Ex, Mami Nanami" (「元もとカノ」、七なな海み麻ま美み, Motokano, Nanami Mami?) is the fourth chapter of the Kanojo, Okarishimasu manga series. Kazuya crosses path with his former girlfriend, Mami, and is spaced out by her appearance. Bringing him bac
7.6/10(77) Top-rated S3.E12 ∙ Ideal Girlfriend and Girlfriend Sat, Sep 30, 2023 Seeing Chizuru overcome with grief, Kazuya decides to give her an outlet and sees the ensuing moment as a big change in their relationship. 7.7/10(105) ...
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"Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-a-Girlfriend)" (Manga) Main Staff Original Creator:Reiji Miyajima Director:Kazuomi Koga Series Composition:Kouki Hirota Character Design:Kanna Hirayama Sound Director:Hajime Takakuwa Music:Hyadain For more information:Official Website,Twitter ...
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October 21, 2020 Cover Chizuru Ichinose Volume Volume 19 Chapter Guide PreviousNext ⮜The Girlfriend and the Boyfriend (Part 4)The Girlfriend and the Boyfriend (Part 6)⮞ ? Kanojo, Okarishimasu Kazuya Kinoshita Chizuru Ichinose Navigation...
[DBD-Raws][租借女友/Kanojo, Okarishimasu/彼女、お借りします][01-12TV全集+特典映像][1080P][BDRip][HEVC-10bit][简繁外挂][FLAC][MKV] 片名:租借女友/Kanojo, Okarishimasu/彼女、お借りします集数:01-12T...
Girlfriend and Girlfriend: Directed by Kazuomi Koga, Shin'ya Une. With Sora Amamiya, Lizzie Freeman, Shun Horie, Minami Kurisaka. Kazuya leans his friend Kuribayashi has a girlfriend, Ruka Sarashina. But when Kuri is absent, Ruka confronts Kazuya and Chi