Kanojo, Okarishimasu (彼女、お借りします, English: Rent-A-Girlfriend) is a romance comedy manga written by Reiji Miyajima which has been serialized weekly in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine since July 12, 2017. The story follows college student Kazuya Kinoshita, dumped by his girlfriend ...
Kazuya is unable to tell the truth and as he goes about his days, a bunch of transcendently beautiful “girlfriends” start coming into his life. There’s his devilish ex-girlfriend Mami Nanami; Ruka Sarashina, a rental-girlfriend who is overly enthusiastic and slightly pushy; and Chizuru’...
Ruka is the only decent girl in this dogshit manga 瑠夏是这部粪作中唯一一个得体的女孩 Ruka a best 瑠夏最棒! Whorezuru a shit 鸡鹤不行 八重森弥妮 There's Mini but she barely shows up. 这有个小的,但她几乎没有出场过。
See relevant content for kanojo-okarishimasu-manga.com
"Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-a-Girlfriend)" (Manga) Main Staff Original Creator:Reiji Miyajima Director:Kazuomi Koga Series Composition:Kouki Hirota Character Design:Kanna Hirayama Sound Director:Hajime Takakuwa Music:Hyadain For more information:Official Website,Twitter ...
Sumi is the only good girl in the entire shitshow of a manga. I'm actually advocating for Kazuya to end up with her if Chizuru still runs away from his confession. Kazuya deserves better. 樱泽墨是这整部漫改动画里唯一的好女孩。 如果千鹤仍然逃避他的告白,我实际上是支持和也跟她之间结束的...