This was only mysecond-evertranslation from Kannada to English. (Thiswas the first translation.) I believe it happened some eight or so years ago, perhaps a year or two before I tried to first translate Bendre.To now have this translation appear inKyoto Journal– without a doubt, one of ...
View chapterPurchase book India, Status of Media in AmmuJoseph, inEncyclopedia of International Media and Communications, 2003 III.A.1Circulation and Readership The current readership of the print media across India is 180 million, according to the National Readership Survey 2002, based on a sample...
India is home to 121 major languages (Census of India,2011). In most geographical states of India, several languages are commonly spoken in addition to the primary language of that state. For instance, Kannada is the primary language spoken in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. However, ...