Kannada is a highly inflected language with a grammar that is similar to that ofTamil. Like otherDravidianlanguages, it isagglutinative, which means that suffixes are added to stems to derive new words and to express various grammatical relationships. This can result in very long words such asSh...
Although alphabetic writing systems might seem dominant, millions of people write using nonalphabetic systems. In terms of sheer numbers, World Internet Statistics (2006) reports that Asia ranks the highest, with 380 million users (56.4% of the population), while the highest usage growth is seen...
This app teaches you thousands of commonly used words and phrases in Kannada language. Currently it covers following range of topics. 1. Everyday used common expressions 2. Greetings and welcoming others 3. Traveling and directions 4. Numbers and money related 5. Location and places 6. Conversat...
a. Words by Category: Learn Kannada vocabulary organized into everyday categories like Numbers, Vegetables, Fruits, and more. b. Conversations: Master real-world dialogues for scenarios like talking to an auto-driver, visiting a doctor, and more. ...
range of topics. 1. Everyday used common expressions 2. Greetings and welcoming others 3. Traveling and directions 4. Numbers and money related 5. Location and places 6. Conversation and social media 7. Time, dates and scheduling 8. Accommodations and arrangements 9. Dining and outdoors 10. ...
a. Words by Category: Learn Kannada vocabulary organized into everyday categories like Numbers, Vegetables, Fruits, and more. b. Conversations: Master real-world dialogues for scenarios like talking to an auto-driver, visiting a doctor, and more. ...