Joy o' Kanji features fun, photo-filled essays to help you learn Joyo kanji, written by Eve Kushner, author of 'Crazy for Kanji' and 'Kanji Curiosity.'
If you want to learn Japanese, it would be better to learn grammar, vocabulary and kanji at the same time. So I would recommend that you use a textbook you like. I think you can take a look at some Japanese language textbooks at your local libraries or bookstores to decide whic...
250 Japanese anime words and phrases that all anime fan would want to know about. This epic list includes slang, cool dialect variations, and must-know cute Japanese words.
Send me a note and we'll arrange a payment. If you want me to inscribe the book, tell me what to write! Kanji (the most complicated script used in Japanese writing) may look daunting, but the characters and words are actually full of fun and life—if you know how to approach and ...
Once you understand where all of this came from, you’ll understand more about how kanji readings work. Let’s go over the history of these kanji readings, when they’re used and how to learn them. Download:This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take...
Andy Watabe, Learn Japanese with me! Schau dir diesen Kurs und Tausende anderer Kurse an Erhalte unbegrenzten Zugang zu allen Kursen Lerne von Branchenführern, Ikonen und erfahrenen Experten Wähle aus einer Vielzahl von Themen, wie Illustration, Design, Fotografie, Animation und mehr...