拼音名:KangfuxinYe 标准编号:WS3-B-3674-98 本品为康复新提取物制成的溶液。 【性状】本品为淡棕色溶液;味甜、微有腥臭。 【鉴别】(1)取本品1ml,加茚三酮试液数滴,加热,显紫蓝色。 (2)取本品10μl,在层析纸上点样,照康复新项下[鉴别](2)项试验,显相同的结果。 【检查】pH值 应为4.5~7.5(...
康复新液在各类创面外用时应注意: 1.使用纱布覆盖或浸渗药液时,所用纱布均应采用灭菌医用纱布。条件不具备时,应将纱布用消毒器高压灭菌后使用。 2.在使用本品前,应将创面先用生理盐水、双氧水或抗生素类药液清创消毒干净后再使用。 3.创面较大时,应结合用抗生素治疗。 4.本品可直接向创面滴用,再用医用纱布覆...
KangFuXinYeIndomethacin-inducedGASTRICdamageInflammationMetabonomicanalysisKangFuXinYe(KFX), the ethanol extract of the dried whole body of Periplaneta americana, is a well-known important Chinese medicine preparation that has been used to treat digestive diseases such as gastric ulcers for many years in ...
To critically appraise the efficacy and safety of Kangfuxinye enema combined with mesalamine for the ulcerative colitis (UC) patients and in addition to grade the quality of evidence by using the GRADE (grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluation) approach. Methods. A ...
康复新液主要成分是美洲大蠊干燥虫体的乙醇提取物,因此康复新液是不含激素的。康复新液可加快人体创面愈合的速度,缩短创面修复时间、提高创面修复质量、消除炎症水肿等作用。那么,康复新液可以在哪里购买到呢? 康复新液有什么样的治疗疗效呢?康复新液可以通利血脉,养阴生肌。内服:用于瘀血阻滞,胃痛出血,胃、十二指肠...
处方药品 依据法规不展示包装 通利血脉,养阴生肌。内服:用于瘀血阻滞,胃痛出血,胃,十二指肠溃疡;以及阴虚肺痨,肺结核的辅助治疗。外用:用于金疮,外伤,溃疡,瘘管,烧伤,烫伤,褥疮之创面。 产品详情 在线留言 在线留言400-700-0899 姓名: 手机: 备注: 提交
[Objective]To evaluate clinical efficacy of Kangfu Xinye in the treatment of children bile reflux gastritis.[Methods]Eighty two children suffering bile reflux disease were randomized into two groups,both group received talcid 0.5g tid and motilium 5mg tid orally.For group A,an additional 5ml of Ka...
Objectives. To critically appraise the efficacy and safety of Kangfuxinye enema combined with mesalamine for the ulcerative colitis (UC) patients and in addition to grade the quality of evidence by u...
Objective Through repetitive measurement experimental design method to compare the curative effect of Kangfu Xinye plus Shuangliao Houfengsan enema combined with mesalazine sustained release granules with simple mesalazine sustained release granules in the treatment of ulcer colitis patients. Methods Sixty pati...
康复新液(天舒欣),康复新液,康复新液(天舒欣)价格,康复新液(天舒欣)功效,湖南科伦制药有限公司,功效:通利血脉,养阴生肌。内服:用于瘀血阻滞,胃痛出血,胃、十二指肠溃疡的治疗;以及阴虚肺痨,肺结核的辅助治疗。外用:用于金疮、外伤、溃疡、瘘管、 烧伤、烫伤、褥疮