Kangaroo Island in South Australia has stunning beaches, native bush land, wildlife, adventure and the best food, all waiting for you.
A kangaroo is any of six large species of Australian marsupials noted for hopping and bouncing on their hind legs. The term kangaroo, most specifically used, refers to the eastern gray kangaroo, the western gray kangaroo, and the red kangaroo, as well as
袋鼠岛,又叫坎加鲁岛(英语:Kangaroo Island)是澳大利亚继塔斯马尼亚和梅尔维尔岛之后的第三大岛屿,面积4405平方公里。该岛居民超过4000名,主要产业为农业、旅游业和渔业。每年接待游客超过14万人,是南澳最著名的旅游区之一, - 闻子于20240118发布在抖音,已经收获了3.1
The kangaroo is a marsupial with large, powerful hind legs, large feet adapted for leaping, a long muscular tail for balance, and a small head. See more facts and download our worksheets!
Define Kangaroo Island. Kangaroo Island synonyms, Kangaroo Island pronunciation, Kangaroo Island translation, English dictionary definition of Kangaroo Island. n an island in the Indian Ocean, off South Australia. Area: 4350 sq km Collins English Diction
Minutes from the mainland but a million miles away, Kangaroo Island is a sanctuary for wildlife and natural, rugged beauty. Find out more today.
澳大利亚旅游,袋鼠岛,Kangaroo Island 袋鼠岛,也被称为Karta pintingga岛("死亡之岛"),是澳大利亚的第三大岛,仅次于塔斯马尼亚岛和梅尔维尔岛(Melville Island)。它位于南澳大利亚州,距离首府阿德莱德西南112公里。它最接近澳大利亚本土大陆最近的地点是斯内珀点(Snapper Point). 袋鼠岛的北部海岸蕴藏着重要的...
世外桃源袋鼠岛( Kangaroo Island ) 袋鼠岛,澳大利亚第三大天然岛屿,距离南澳大利亚大陆仅15公里,其面积之广,足有八个新加坡之大。因为远离城市喧嚣,袋鼠岛仿佛是一片世外桃源。最早时期,探险者们一度认为袋鼠岛上无人居住,直到后来人们在袋鼠岛上发现了石头工具和原住民营地,才发现起码在一万年之前,岛上就已有人...
了解英美法术语Kangaroo Court Kangaroo Court,袋鼠法庭,或非法法庭、私设之法庭,即非正规的法庭。也指私设公堂或不合法律规程和正常规范的审判。西方法律术语。来源有多种说法。一说此语首次以书面形式出现于淘金热时代的美国加利福尼亚地区。二说这类情形涉及澳大利亚早期的开矿或者非法侵占矿藏(jumping mining ...
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