康提城市住宿飯店 (Kandy City Stay) 155, S W R D Bandaranayaka Mawatha ,Kandy ,Sri Lanka, 康提中央, 康提, 斯里蘭卡, 20000-查看地圖&週邊景點 在康提城市住宿體驗終極舒適。入住寬敞的客房,從私人陽台或露臺欣賞壯麗的山景,並透過免費無線網路連線保持聯繫。享用美味的早餐,在桑拿浴室放鬆身心。...
康提城市住宿酒店 (Kandy City Stay) 155, S W R D Bandaranayaka Mawatha ,Kandy ,Sri Lanka, 康提中心, 康提, 康提, 斯里兰卡, 20000 退房日期2月3日, 周一 1/1 旅馆/民宿 👍今天已有2人预订 酒店优势 位于康提中心 快速办理入住/退房 机场接送服务 ...
康提城市住宿酒店 (Kandy City Stay) 155, S W R D Bandaranayaka Mawatha ,Kandy ,Sri Lanka, 康提中心, 康提, 斯里兰卡, 20000 - 查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于康提中心的上佳位置,让您轻松探索周遭景点。 离开前,别忘了探访知名的圣寺佛牙。 作为额外...
https://hotel.qyer.com/jump.php?track_key=h5-ask-answer-hoteldetail&hotel_id=647288 位于康提中...
康提别墅家庭旅馆(Kandy Home Stay Villa) Tennekumbura斯里兰卡, 预订后可查看详细地址显示地图 康提别墅家庭旅馆位于康提,距离乌达瓦塔凯勒保护区和佛牙寺不到 5 分钟车程。 此家庭旅馆距离康提湖 2.2 英里(3.5 公里),距离威尔士公园 3.1 英里(5 公里)。查看更多 ...
Nestled beside the mighty Mahaweli River, Mahaweli Reach Hotel combines a sense of refined luxury with the old-world charm of an ancient kingdom. Located at 488 meters above sea level, the city is the hill capital of Sri Lanka which offers incredible culture and history all the way to authe...
Ceyloni City Hotel 2.5 stjerner av 5 No 21, Cross Street, Kandy., Kandy Lake Front, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 20000-PÅ KARTET Parkering og Wi-Fi er alltid gratis, så du kan holde kontakten med dine nære og kjære og komme og gå som du vil. Den strategiske beliggenheten i...
Whether you're planning a business trip or a vacation, Kandy has many top-rated hotels to choose from.Sevana City Hotel,selene city hotelandCinnamon Citadel Kandyare among the best choices for your stay. How much is a hotel in Kandy on average?
Looking to stay in a deluxe room of a hotel in Kandy near Dalada Maligawa... Read More Air Conditioning Free WiFi Full HD Television Telephone with IDD Facility From$155Per Night Book Now Executive King City View The Radh’s Executive King Rooms are ideal for guests who wish to take in...
康提城市住宿酒店 (Kandy City Stay) 康提中心 还不错 7.6 免费无线网络 更多详情 The Lake Round Guest House 康提湖畔 惊艳了 9.1 免费无线网络 更多详情 位于康提湖畔的2卧室独栋房屋-平方米|带2个独立浴室 (Kandy home) 康提中心 棒棒哒 8.9 免费无线网络 更多详情 Reverie Hill Bungalow...