Ikan ini juga memiliki kandungan gizi tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan perubahan karakteristik proksimat dan kandungan protein serta mineral ikan nike pascaproses pengolahan panas, yang meliputi pengukusan, perebusan, dan perebusan dengan air garam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ...
Tempe is a very popular food product in Indonesia which is processed with soy fermentation process in a certain time using Rhizopus sp. Shell that grows on soybeans will hydrolyze complex compounds into simple compounds that are easily digested by humans. In general, tempe has white ...
Kandungan Gizi dan Uji Organoleptik Beras Analog Kedelai Edamame dan Rumput Lautdoi:10.21776/ub.ijhn.2022.009.01.1RICEEXPERIMENTAL designSTATISTICSANALYSIS of varianceNUTRITIONAL valueTYPE 2 diabetesSOYFOODSDESCRIPTIVE statisticsALGAEDATA analysisType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)...
The result of this analysis is obtained 7 vegetables group with different characteristic changes.doi:info:doi/10.24843/MTK.2018.v07.i02.p199AYU SANDRA TIARA DEWINI LUH PUTU SUCIPTAWATII GUSTI AYU MADE SRINADIE-Jurnal Matematika
(2) jumlah energi, lemak dan konsentrasi vitamin D dihitung berdasarkan kandungan zat gizi dalam setiap bahan; (3) populasi bakteri probiotik menggunakan teknik plating dan aktivitas metabolik dengan metode HPLC; (4) daya terima ... B Alisjahbana,CM Kusharto,A Sulaeman,... - 《Jurnal ...
Diversitas Pangan Fermentasi Berbasis-Susu di Indonesia dan Kandungan GizinyaIndonesia has abundant and diverse food commodities, including fermented food. However, metadata analysis about the diversity of fermented foods has not been reported. In addition, a comparison of the nutriti...
Responsibilitas Mangga (Mangifera Indica) Benih Kernel Terhadap Teknik Pengolahan Kandungan Gizi Dan AntinutrisionalThe nutritive value of raw and processed mango seed kernel (MSK) was investigated using proximate analysis, metabolizable energy and anti-nutritional factors. Nine processing methods were ...
The utilization of Calabura fruit and sugar substitution in biscuits could be done as an effort to make healthy biscuits, contain antioxidants and lower sugar, which may contribute to the prevention of overweight and obesity. This research aims to analyze the effect of ut...