Many Kanawha Officials Saw Drop in Property Taxes ; County Tax Officials Say There Is No Favoritism in AssessmentsMany of Kanawha County's elected officials saw a significant dropin their property taxes over...Marks, Rusty
Kanawha County, W.Va., Property Tax Increases Lead to Flurry of Calls.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Schnaars, Chris
Kanawha County, W.Va., Property Tax Bills Have Homeowners Considering Options.(Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News)Schnaars, Chris
Property taxes on a house owned by a longtime Kanawha CountyAssessor's Office employee who now...Marks, Rusty
KANAWHA COUNTY: ; Property tax increases not always set in stone Homeowners can file notice of appealRusty Marks
KANAWHA COUNTY COMMISSION ; Counties Debate Property Lines; Some Kanawha Houses Are Paying Taxes to LincolnMurphy, Matt
OVERPAID PROPERTY TAXES ; City Returns $2M to Kanawha County; Misplaced Decimal in Sheriffs Tax Office regarding Charleston Levy Rate Led to Massive ErrorCharleston's tax reconciliation day arrived Monday, as FinanceDirector Joe Estep walked across...Balow, Jim...
KANAWHA COUNTY COMMISSION: ; Residents speak out on property tax hikesPAUL FALLON
Kanawha County property tax tickets lateDave Gustafson
PROPERTY ASSESSMENT: ; Higher values upset owners; In Kanawha County, thousands notified of at least 10 percent increasePAUL FALLON