Mapping/GIS Data The purpose of the GIS department of the Kanawha County Assessor’s Office is to create and maintain digital and paper tax maps. We also maintain a database of all parcels taxed within the county’s boundaries. We are currently working to provide a more accurate paper repre...
Kanawha County Assessor Reorganizes Office ; Chief Deputy Assessor Position Eliminated as Part of RestructuringFallon, Paul
Election 2012: Kanawha County, Assessor Candidates Clash over Friendliness of OfficeRepublican Forest Carper said his own bad experiences in dealingwith the Kanawha County...Rusty Marks, writer
All five candidates for Kanawha County assessor said they wouldsupport legislation to cap the...Marks, Rusty
KANAWHA COUNTY ASSESSOR ; Builder, office employee get nominations Candidates offer differing messages of staying the path, making changePAUL FALLON
Property taxes on a house owned by a longtime Kanawha CountyAssessor's Office employee who now...Marks, Rusty
Sallie Robinson wins county assessor race ; Kanawha Democrat takes 57 percent of the vote to defeat; Forest Carper Sr.Fallon, Paul