Please provide the services sold. This Kanal D is being a complete challenge, a frustration and a lie. The money we paid for the subscription was easily taken, and real, we didn’t pay with songs, we paid in dollars. What is this? A game? Or what? I believe you knew that your se...
ÖRNEK 2 node-mongo-todo-app docker network create todo-app-network docker run --name mongodb --net todo-app-network -d mongo docker run --name todo-app -p 3001:3001 --net todo-app-network node-mongo-todo-app Aynı Network içerisinde bulunan bu iki uygulamayi birbirine ba...
Das Drahtlossystem SLXD24D/B58 mit zwei dynamischen Beta®58A Mikrofonkapseln mit Supernierencharakteristik und zwei SLXD2 Handsendern liefert transparente digitale Klangqualität und eine absolut zuverlässige HF-Performance für Bildungseinrichtu
Ayyildiz, HasanKeskn, DilaraJournal of Management & Economics / Ynetim ve Ekonomi
With a decrease of channel curvature (an increase of parameter D/h), heat transfer intensity from both surfaces decreases in comparison with a straight flat channel. Also, heat transfer stabilization on a convex surface occurs later than on a concave surface or in a straight flat channel. ...