GAN implemented with KAN convolution pytorch gan kan gan-tutorial convkan kanconv kan-convolution Updated Jul 5, 2024 Jupyter Notebook Youngsiii / UNet_KANConv Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Bottleneck KANConv for Unet unet kan unet-pytorch kanconv bottleneck-kanconv kan-convolution ...
The bottleneck KANConv is shown in the figure below. First, a 1×1 convolution is used to compress the number of feature map channels from in_channels to 3, then KANConv is applied while the size and number of channels of the feature map remain unchanged, and finally a 1×1 convolution...
【TorchConv KAN:基于PyTorch的Kolmogorov-Arnold卷积网络集合,支持CUDA加速,用于MNIST、CIFAR、TinyImagenet和Imagenet1k数据集的性能评估】'torch-conv-kan - A Collection of Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks' GitHub: #卷积网络# #Kolmogorov-Arnold# #PyTorch# #CUDA...
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Marcio Kantana - Conviced
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A drop-in replacement for the torch.nn.Conv2d layer that uses the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) as a convolutional kernel.Currently, supports grouped convolution, padding with different modes, dilation, and stride.The KAN implementation is taken from the
Convolutional layer for Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) - convkan/convkan/ at master · StarostinV/convkan