Google Share on Facebook kampong Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia (ˈkæmpɒŋ; kæmˈpɒŋ) n (in Malaysia) a village [C19: from Malay] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
Then, only short words Kampong Thom. During the French colony in Cambodia, the French ruled and divided Cambodian territory into provinces, and named them according the spoken words of the people called ‘Kampong Thom Province’ until now. Kampong Thom is a province located at the central point...
Geography Kampong Speu province is located to the west of Phnom Penh. It borders Kampong Chhnang and Pursat to the North, Phnom Penh to the East, Kampot and Takeo to the South and Koh Kong to the West. The area of the province is 7017 square kilometres. The topography is variable, from...
Geography The province is divided into two parts: –Eastern part of National Road 6: Covers 70% surface consisting of forests and plateau, rich in natural resources which are good for agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. –Western of part of National Road 6: Covers 30% surface is the...
Geography This province is located in the eastern heard of Cambodia bordering following provinces: Kratie to the Northeast, Vietnam to the East, Prey Veng to the South, Kampong Chhnang to the west and Kampong Thom to the Northwest. Due to its advantageous location with the mighty Mekong flowing...
Geography The province Kampong Chhnang is located at the heart of Cambodia. Its bordering Kampong Thom to the North, Kampong Cham to the East, Kampong Speu to the South and Pursat to the West. This province is not only at the fertile and almost ever-wet heart of Cambodia, but also just...