* Updated 2025年1月26日星期日 8時43分00秒 Kampong Chhnang time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Passing clouds. 35 / 24 °C Humidity: 82%. Wind: 8 km/h↑from South ...
Kampong Chhnang real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
粵語音譯名:樟脑营地報錯英文名:Kampong Chhnang 所在城市:球隊主場: 成立時間:平均年齡: 主教練:官方網站:進入網站 聯繫地址: 賽事時間主場球隊比分客場球隊半場讓球盤路分析 柬盃2024/10/29 16:30樟脑营地1-2樟坎普1-1析 柬盃2020/07/08 16:00樟脑营地21-2白龍馬1-1析 ...
Today's Moon in Kampong Chhnang Rise0時34分 95°E Set12時41分 262°W Percent Illuminated: 42.4% Time: 1時02分 Altitude: 6° Direction: 97°E ↑ Position: Moon over horizon The Moon's path in Kampong Chhnang today. The horizontal line signifies the horizon, the vertical lines show ...
KZC, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Chnang, Kampongchnang, Kompon Chnang, Kompong Chhang, Kompong Chhnang, Kâmpóng Chhnăng, Phumi Kampong Chhnang, Phumĭ Kâmpông Chhnăng, Кампонгчнанг, ករងកពងឆនាង, ក្រុងកំពង់ឆ្...
网络释义 1. 磅清扬省 磅清扬省(Kampong Chhnang Province)位于柬埔寨中部,面积5,521平方公里,人口417,693(1998年),首府磅清扬。磅… baike.baidu.com|基于15个网页
The province Kampong Chhnang is located at the heart of Cambodia. Its bordering Kampong Thom to the North, Kampong Cham to the East, Kampong Speu to the South and Pursat to the West. This province is not only at the fertile and almost ever-wet heart of Cambodia, but also just a 91km...
Kampong Chhnang (tỉnh) +添加翻译 越南文-中文字典 磅清扬省 Kampong Chhnang (tỉnh)[..] HeiNER-the-Heidelberg-Named-Entity-... 显示算法生成的翻译 将“Kampong Chhnang"自动翻译成 中文 柬埔寨的 Glosbe Translate 磅清扬省 Google Translate ...
磅清扬水上屋 kampong chhnang floating village *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!磅清扬市区分上、下市,两市时间相距约二公里。上市土地面积大,是政府办公的行政区。下市的下市水路发达,是商业区,除了一条绵长的公路,水涨时四面都浸水,所以下市的屋子除了高脚屋便是水屋。下市的村子比较安静,是一个很清静的小村庄。
Kampong Chhnang / Kampong Chhnang 所属国家或地区:柬埔寨参加比赛: 柬埔寨杯 统计本队数据 (最近10场)双方总数 (最近10场) 主场比赛 场均进球:1 场均失球:2 场均角球:3.5 场均进球:3 场均角球:7.5 大球赢盘:50% 角球赢盘:- 客场比赛 场均进球:2 场均失球:2.3 场均角球:5.7 场均进球:4.3 场均...