Phys., 2016, 18, 13153--13157 | 13153Cite this:Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2016, 18, 13153Determination of Kamlet–Taft parameters forselected solvate ionic liquids†Daniel J. Eyckens, ab Baris Demir, a Tif f any R. Walsh, a Tom Welton c andLuke C. Henderson* abThe normalised polarity E...
a TomWelton c and LukeC.Henderson* ab ThenormalisedpolarityE N T andKamlet–Taftparametersofrecently describedsolvateionicliquids,composedoflithiumbis(trifluoro- methyl)sulfonimide(LiTFSI)intri-(G3TFSI)ortetraglyme(G4TFSI) havebeendeterminedandcomparedtotheparentglyme(G3and G4).Weshowthatthesesolvate...
18, 13153--13157 | 13153Cite this:Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2016, 18, 13153Determination of Kamlet–Taft parameters forselected solvate ionic liquids†Daniel J. Eyckens, ab Baris Demir, a Tif f any R. Walsh, a Tom Welton c andLuke C. Henderson* abThe normalised polarity E NT and Kamlet...
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