每个Kambala的女孩都是一个独特个体,有着她独特的品质和才能。女孩们在这里所接受的丰富多样的学术和课外教育,能够使她们成长为有能力生活得快乐有价值,并且能努力实现个人志向的自主年轻女性。 Kambala School的核心教学理念是,鼓励学习的同时,赋予正直年轻女性力量。校训“Esto Sol Testis” 意思是 “以太阳为证”,...
学校隶属于澳大利亚女子学校联盟(AGSA)、澳大利亚小学校长协会( JSHAA)、澳大利亚私立学校校长协会 (AHISA)、澳大利亚寄宿学校协会 (ABSA),也是私立女子学校校长协会(AHIGS) 的创始成员。 Kambala School的核心教学理念是,鼓励学习的同时,赋予正直年轻女性力量。校训“Esto Sol Testis” ,学校坚持挑战和培养每个女孩,使其...
校长寄语 The 2019 HSC results reflect outstanding achievements across all areas of study, reinforcing Kambala’s position as the highest ranking non-selective girls’ school in the Eastern Suburbs. 校长寄语 Principal Shane Hogan:2019年Kambala获得了杰出的高考成绩,成为东区非精英私立学校的No. 1! 2019 ...
每个Kambala的女孩都是一个独特个体,有着她独特的品质和才能。女孩们在这里所接受的丰富多样的学术和课外教育,能够使她们成长为有能力生活得快乐有价值,并且能努力实现个人志向的自主年轻女性。 Kambala School的核心教学理念是,鼓励学习的同时,赋予正直年轻女性力量。校训“Esto Sol Testis” 意思是 “以太阳为证”,...
Interviewing at Kambala School We currently do not have any interview experiences for Kambala School Did you interview with this company?Share your experience Claim this company page Companies Kambala School Interviews Find another company Search
Kambala School 坎帕拉学校 建校时间 : 1887 学生数量 : 972 院校类别 : 中小学校 院校性质 : 私立 院校住宿 : 住校|走读 男校女校 : 女校 入学考试 : 院校学费 : 中学: 25,000-27,000 (澳币/年) 录取方式 : 双录 关注人数 : 13027 所在地区 : 澳大利亚 NSW新南威尔士州 Sydney 悉尼 院校地址 : ...
Type: School Category: education Location: Southern Province, Zambia, Southern Africa, Africa View on OpenStreetMapPlease support Ukraine in securing a full security guarantee from its allies—the only path to peace and stability in Europe.Latitude-15.84728° or 15° 50' 50" south ...
Access the key features of Sundial from the palm of your hand with the Kambala app, developed in partnership with Digistorm and Schoolbox. Receive instant and important information from your school community, receive real-time alerts and experience seamless collaboration between teachers, parents and...
aYou dont just buy one piranha. You have to buy a school. So 6 minimum. Just about all piranhas grow to 12 inches. So six 12 inch fish are going to need a large tank. Something like 125+ gallons. 您仅不买一条比拉鱼。 您必须买学校。 那么6个极小值。 关于所有比拉鱼成长为12英寸。
What public parks are nearby 37 On Kikambala - Kileleshwa? While lodging at 37 On Kikambala - Kileleshwa, cherish your early morning or evening stroll at nearby park which include French School Playing Ground, MR. KHAN PROPOSED, and Hodari Junior Club. What is the typical rating that verifi...