9 minute read Updated 1:16 PM EDT, Mon September 16, 2024 CNN — Backstage, Kamala Harris pulled aside Jahana Hayes. She’d give the congresswoman her local press boost and photo op, but first, the vice president needed to talk about why she was popping into Connecticut of all places...
Vice President Kamala Harris, the first woman to deliver a commencement speech at West Point, lauded graduating cadets Saturday for their noble sacrifice in serving their country, but noted they were entering an "unsettled world" because of Russian aggression and the rising threats from China. "Th...
On July 21, 2024, Harrissought another glass ceiling to breakwhen she became the Democratic Party's front-runner for the presidential nomination, following PresidentJoe Biden's announcement that he wasending his 2024 bid for reelection. With Biden's support and endorsement, Harrisbroke a fundraisin...