It looks like the sticky product image is not working on page scroll in the Kalles theme. Here are a few things you can check to try and resolve the issue: Make sure that sticky product image is enabled in the theme settings. You can check this by going to your S...
The nopKalles theme includes everything you need to begin your e-commerce online store. We have thought of everything and it's all included! nopCommerce is a fully customizable shopping cart Read More About nopKalles June 27, 2020(2) ...
首先我们登录shopify后台,在在线商店下拉菜单里面点击:模板>自定义 进入模板自定义页面,点击左下角模板设置按钮 在弹出的模板设置里面找到 LANGUAGE,CURRENCY 点开 为了方便查看可以用谷歌浏览器翻译成中文 需要勾选启用货币转换功能,启用客户地理位置功能可以根据需要选择,可以自动转换成对应ip的常用货币 来源需要选第二个...
It looks like the sticky product image is not working on page scroll in the Kalles theme. Here are a few things you can check to try and resolve the issue: Make sure that sticky product image is enabled in the theme settings. You can check this by going to your Shop...