2049/tcpopennfs2-4(RPC#100003)2121/tcpopenftpProFTPD1.3.13306/tcpopenmysql MySQL5.0.51a-3ubuntu55432/tcpopenpostgresql PostgreSQL DB8.3.0-8.3.75900/tcpopenvnc VNC (protocol3.3)6000/tcpopenX11 (access denied)6667/tcpopenirc Unreal ircd8009/tcpopenajp13 Apache Jserv (Protocol v1.3)8180/tcpopen...
26 Oct 2013 014818 GMT\r\nServer Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) DAV/2\r\nX-Powered-By PHP/5.2.4- 2ubuntu5.10\r\nContent-Length 891\r\nConnection close\r\nContent- Type text/html\r\n\r\nMetasploitable2 - Linux< Protocol on
Windows x64 Reverse HTTP Stager (winhttp) 58 payload/windows/x64/vncinject/reverse_winhttps...
2049/tcp open nfs2-4(RPC#100003)2121/tcp open ftp ProFTPD1.3.13306/tcp open mysql MySQL5.0.51a-3ubuntu55432/tcp open postgresql PostgreSQLDB8.3.0-8.3.75900/tcp open vncVNC(protocol3.3)6000/tcp openX11(access denied)6667/tcp open irc Unreal ircd8009/tcp open ajp13 ApacheJserv(Protocol v1....
2049/tcpopennfs2-4(RPC #100003)2121/tcpopenftp ProFTPD1.3.13306/tcpopenmysql MySQL5.0.51a-3ubuntu55432/tcpopenpostgresql PostgreSQL DB8.3.0-8.3.75900/tcpopenvncVNC(protocol3.3)6000/tcpopenX11(access denied)6667/tcpopenirc Unreal ircd8009/tcpopenajp13 ApacheJserv(Protocol v1.3)8180/tcpopenhttp...
我们定义用户名(root)和密码以登录到 MySQL 服务器: mysql -u root 系统将回复以下内容: Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands endwith;org. Your MySQL connectionidis39Server version:5.5.44-1(Debian) Copyright (c)2000
How To: Use VNC to Remotely Access Your Raspberry Pi from Other Devices The Hacks of Mr. Robot: How to Build a Hacking Raspberry Pi Hack Like a Pro: Exploring Metasploit Auxiliary Modules (FTP Fuzzing) How To: Hack Android Using Kali (UPDATED and FAQ) How To: Build a Portable Pe...
psexec.nse –script-args=smbuser=username,smbpass=password[,config=config] -p445 hosts 脚本种类,nmap 的脚本种类包括但不限于下面种类: auth:利用或绕过目标主机的访问控制 broadcast:通过本地网络广播发觉不包含在命令行内的主机 brute:针对目标主机猜解密码,支持各类协议,包括:http,SNMP, IAX,MySQL,VNC等...
[*] postgresql selected, no connection msf>db_connect [*] Usage: db_connect <user:pass>@<host:port>/<database>[*] OR: db_connect -y [path/to/database.yml] [*] Examples: [*] db_connect user@metasploit3 [*] db_connect user:pass@ ...
Step 3 − Click “Yes” when it asks to start Kismet Server. Otherwise it will stop functioning.Step 4 − Startup Options, leave as default. Click “Start”.Step 5 − Now it will show a table asking you to define the wireless card. In such case, click Yes....